Creating games can be done in a number of ways automatically or more manually. Below you will find ways to create games for your schedule.
Pool Games
Pool games are created on the scheduling grid. You must have standings (pools, groups) created under each division that needs games created. Below are steps to reach the action that can create pool play games after standings are created.
- Click Events in side menu
- Click Event Name
- Click Schedule in sidemenu
- Click + Game button at the bottom after the Schedule Grid is complete
- Complete options and click Save or Plus button
Pool Play Games
If participates in a pool are going to play a certain amount of games each round, like a round robin, auto-creating the match-ups for each round is the best approach.
The rounds for each game are created with the same sequence every time, unless restrictions are involved and can be viewed from the file icon from the Add Pool Games popup.
If you want two teams not to play each other using this approach, keep them at opposite ends of the pools if they aren't doing a full round robin.
To auto create match-ups follow the following steps:
- Keep All Divisions or select a Division after + Game button is clicked on grid.
- If a specific division was selected in step #1, then choose Type of All Games.
- Enter a number for Games Per Participant or leave blank to give all pools a full round robin in the event or division, depending on what you selected in step #1.
- By default, the Games Per Participant also takes into account the games already created. You can use the Exclude Games option to ignore Scheduled/Unscheduled games already created or ignore Exhibition Games/Teams.
- You can also start the match-up sequence at a different round by choosing a Start Round (use the Round report.)
- Ignore restrictions will ignore restrictions where teams can't play each other
- Conditional Games will create two rounds from pools that are divisible by four with the second round of games being created from the winners and losers of the first round.
- Click Save button to close the popup or the + button to add a set of games, then create another set without closing the popup.
Single Pool Play Game
If you know the exact match-up you want then you can create an Individual game with the following steps:
- Select Division after + Game button is clicked on grid.
- Choose Type of Individual
- Choose From Pool and select participates (by unselecting pool play the game will be an exhibition and won't count against pool standings.)
Conditional Pool Play Game
A conditional pool play game will take the winner or loser of a game up to just one time. To accomplish this follow the same steps under Single Pool Play Game but,
- Select Division after + Game button is clicked on grid.
- Choose Type of Individual
- Choose From Game and select the Game and Winner or Loser (by unselecting pool play the game will be an exhibition and won't count against pool standings.)
You can also double click an existing pool play game and update it there.
Bracket Games
Bracket games are created when a bracket is created with the bracket builder or added manually to an existing bracket.
- Event Brackets (Events -> Click Event Name -> Brackets in side menu -> Add Bracket button)
- Division Brackets (Events -> Click Event Name -> Division in side menu -> Click Division Name -> Brackets in side menu -> Add Bracket button)
The bracket is just a template of games and need to be scheduled on the scheduling grid. The bracket games created will appear in the unscheduled games section of your schedule grid. (Events -> Click Event Name -> Schedule in side menu)
Exhibition Games
For more information on exhibition games, read our Exhibition Games article.
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