You can cross play pools within a division and retain the standings or cross play divisions, but the standings won't transfer between divisions. Scheduling a game in another division won't effect the previous division either. You can watch the Cross Play Video if you prefer or follow the instructions below.
Pool Cross Play
- Go to Schedule (Events -> Click Event Name -> Click Schedule in side menu)
- Click + Game button at the bottom if grid is already created
- Select Division
- Select Type of Individual Game
- Uncheck Pool Play only if it's an exhibition game for one or both participants.
- Select two participants for cross play and click Save or + to add another game
Note: If you plan to cross play within divisions we recommend combining divisions with two pools and give the pools labels. Example would be combining the 10th and 11th grade divisions into one called 10th/11th Grade. Then create two pools, one called A with a Pool Label of 10th Grade and another pool called B with a Pool Label of 11th Grade. This way you can cross play participants but keep them in separate grade pools.
Division Cross Play
Cross playing between divisions is mainly used to get a participant an extra game, most likely an Exhibition. The participant being placed in this division will need to be added to an existing or invisible pool to create a matchup.
Doing this will keep the team in the primary division but won't count against that divisions pool standings. If you want them to count then combine divisions using the Merge button on the division page.
- Click Events in side menu
- Click Event Name
- Click Divisions in side menu
- Click Division Name
- Click Standings in side menu
- Click + Add Participants button in the Available Participants header
- Select the other Division the participant is coming from.
- Select the Participant or Participants you want to add to this division which is most likely Team.
- Click Add or + button.
- Add the Participant or Participants to an existing or new pool
- If you want the participant to be visible in the pool add a new slot to an existing pool and drag the participant or participants into it (+ button on the existing pool)
- Add a new pool by clicking the + Add button at the bottom and unchecking Visible. This will hide the pool from the public but give you the ability to cross play pools.
- To add a matchup follow the Pool Cross Play section above.
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