Exposure offers the ability to accept seasonal player waivers. A director can either manually approve a player waiver under their account or a director or coach can send a player waiver request to the Guardian or Player email on the player details or event player table views.
The guardian would then review the waiver, complete the fields, and accept it for the season. Player table views will have a new Waiver column to verify what players have completed the seasonal waiver.
Season Player Waiver Setup
To enable player waivers follow the steps below. This requires coach accounts to be enabled on the season.
- Click Seasons in side menu
- Click Season Name
- Enable Season Registration (If not already selected)
- Enable Player Waivers
- Enter Player Waiver Text or Player Waiver URL
- Click Save button
Sending Player Waivers
When sending a player waiver the player must have an email for the guardian or player in Exposure. The waivers are put in a queue and processed in the background.
Send Bulk Player Waivers
If multiple players need waivers to be sent the best way to do this is selecting players in an event players table view and following the below steps.
Note: For coach accounts this is done under the Event Roster, not Primary Roster.
- Click Actions dropdown
- Select Send Waivers
Immediate Player Waiver
If a player waiver needs to be sent immediately then navigate to the player details.
- Click Players in side menu
- Click Player Name
- Click Request button under the Season section
Note: Request button will be disabled if waiver already completed or player not saved.
Manually Approve Waiver (Director Only)
If a player completed a waiver outside of the Exposure process the director can approve the player manually on the player details page.
- Click Players in side menu
- Click Player Name
- Enable Waiver under the Season section
Sample Player Waiver
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