Our system integrates tweets to Twitter profiles and posts to Facebook walls when various action occur in our system. Actions include score postings, registration alerts, division champions, and also director messages.
To hook up these social networks navigate to the Event Settings, Notifications section. If you want to have this done for all future events then do this under your Global Settings and hit Save. If an event is already in progress then you must do this under the Event Settings.
- Click Events in side menu
- Click Event Name
- Click Settings in side menu
- Open Notifications section
- Click Link Twitter Account or Link Facebook Account button
- Authorize us on the social network
- After redirect, button should say Unlink if linked successfully
Note: Twitter has rate limits and tweets can fail to post with our default integration. To increase this rate limit create your own Twitter app and integrate it.
Best Practices
Below are some best practices when it comes to communicating event data to your social account.
- Keep division and team names short since posts have a character length
- Use your own hashtag under the Notifications section
Final Score
After a score is entered it can be Tweeted to a Twitter profile or posted to a Facebook wall. Below is an example of a Tweet.
- If a Note is entered for a final score, it will be appended to the Tweet
- If you want to skip a Tweet or Facebook post for a certain game, uncheck the Twitter or Facebook icon on the score popup and it won't be send out.
Division Champions
After a score is entered for a championship game, and the game is marked as such in a bracket, it can be Tweeted to a Twitter profile. Below is an example of a Tweet.
If a champions team photo is uploaded with the score under Uploads it will also be posted with the Tweet.
After a registration is made for an event it can be Tweeted to a Twitter profile. Below is an example of a Tweet.
- Logo is included if provided for team registration
- Schedule link is provided back to registration
Under our Messaging section in the side menu, if this is hooked up you can post a direct message to your Twitter or Facebook wall. Just enable Twitter.
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