By default all standings, brackets and schedules are hidden from the event but teams are visible. When the schedule is ready to be published follow the instructions below.
We have a Quick Publish menu on the Event Details page top right side of the Action Toolbar of your director account once a schedule is created. The quick publish menu only appears once you have scheduled at least one game. Below you will find how the quick publish menu looks for a published event. After publishing the schedule click the blue Schedule button on the left side of the Action Toolbar or Copy the schedule link.
- Click Events in side menu
- Click Event Name
- Toggle Appropriate Buttons in Quick Publish menu (below everything is published)

- Click buttons in publish menu
- Click Publish Standings button and update Tie Breaker Rule, if event has standings
- Click Publish Brackets button if event has brackets
- Click Publish Schedule button
- Click Apply Credits button
- Add Scorekeepers
- Schedule Display Options
This will publish event to all apps. widgets, reports, and the event website. There also maybe a cache delay, especially on the app so please use reports.
Review our Division Troubleshooting article on how to unpublish or hide specific division schedules, standings and/or brackets.
Note: If the quick publish menu isn't visible then you can complete #1 on the event settings of the event.
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