Below you will find some of the best practices for updating scores for an event.
Create One Or More Scorekeepers
You can create one or more users for an event. If you want control of who updates per venue or court create more then one user. The easiest route and most recommended is to create one scorekeeper account and pass that out to all your scorekeepers since they can update from the same account.
Update Scores After Game
Since tournaments need information right away it is recommended to post scores right away, at the most before the next game on the same court ends. This will update pool standings, brackets and notifications right away.
Double Check Score Before Hitting Save
Every once in a while a score is entered incorrectly or backwards. The event should have some sort of standard to help out the person entering the score. We recommend circling the final scores on the scoresheet by either the team names or entering a W and L next to the respective teams. Before entering check twice that it was done correctly before hitting save. Team names on the scoresheets will also help.
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