To setup StatCrew as a statistician and have live scoring and box scores available through Exposure Basketball use the following steps to get up and running quickly.
- If you don't have the Event ID and Game ID's of the schedule either get them from the director or login with your StatCrew user at the Exposure site and export your games. You will also need the FTP information under the FTP tab.
- You will need to input the rosters manually since the legacy version of StatCrew doesn't take any type of import. You can get the rosters from the director and should come from the Exposure site. The name of the teams and players must match exactly to process correctly within StatCrew and the Exposure site. If a player is not on the roster from the director, add them anyway to StatCrew and have the director input them into the site.
- Launch STAT CREW Scoring & Stats Entry DOS program.
- Launch Stat Crew TAS Game reports program.
- Click Games List and select the game to stat and click OK.
- Select Live from the file menu and select Live setup.
- Select the Activate checkbox
- Under FTP Settings select Auto-send FTP and the XML radio button
- Under FTP Settings type the FTP site (found under Exposure dashboard)
- Under FTP Settings type the Username (found under Exposure dashboard)
- Under FTP Settings type the Password (found under Exposure dashboard)
- Under FTP Settings type the Target Directory which is the Event ID (can be found under Exposure dashboard)
- Under XML output select Enable XML stats feed checkbox
- Under XML output type XML filename which is the Game ID (can be found under Exposure dashboard)
- Under Copy file settings select Auto-copy files checkbox and XML radio button
- Under Copy file settings type the Target directory. The default installation path with Live folder for StatCrew is c:\STATCREW\live, but maybe different on the computer using StatCrew.
- Select OK button
- Select Live again from the file menu and select TasFtp (diagnostic mode). If not already check Passive mode and User Secure FTP (SFTP) and click OK.
- Start stats in STAT CREW Scoring & Stats Entry program.
- After a stat input is made in the STAT CREW Scoring & Stats Entry you will see a flash by the TasFTP program and an icon at the bottom that looks like this. If you don't see this or files do not make it over to the live stats view try step #18.
- Optional: If you are having trouble with the file being sent over, click FTP Setup on TasFTP. Select Passive mode on the window and click OK and try again. You may have to do this multiple times.
- Please test your setup by stating a game and verifying you can view the live stats. The format of the live URL is below, just replace the {gameid} with the Game ID and {eventid} with the Event ID. It should look like this page. This page is directly reading the StatCrew xml that is FTP over to our server.{eventid}/event/live/{gameid}
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